Author: Liam Gifford

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  • three bins out on pavement, one numbered with stickers

    Can I Use Wheelie Bin Stickers On My Bins?

    They’re not the most beautiful things in the world by a country mile, but wheelie bins are something we all get disproportionately obsessed by from time to time. Whether someone drops a bag of dog poop in your bin, a neighbour puts their extra bag into yours without asking, or you see neighbours leaving excess…

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  • food waste rotting

    Why Food In Landfill Is Bad

    With a huge push on recycling across the UK, we all know that waste going into landfill is a big problem. Huge amounts are being spent on increasing recycling, yet Britons throw away a huge amount of food in their general waste bins every year. Food Waste And Methane Gas Food in landfill is a…

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  • fly tipping at the side of the road

    What Is Fly Tipping And How Big Is The Problem?

    We all think of fly tippers as criminals in pick-up trucks dumping huge piles of waste on country lanes in the dead of night, but how accurate is that stereotype? Fly Tipping Definition Fly tipping is the illegal dumping of waste, regardless of the source. It may be commercial or residential rubbish, and is considered…

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  • old sofa in bright and airy living room

    How Do I Get Rid Of Unwanted Furniture?

    If you’re like me, you’ve probably had occasions in the past when you’ve had something to dispose of that’s too big to fit in your car. Examples might be an old sofa, large dining table or mattress. Most councils offer bulky waste collections, but before you jump on the phone, there are some other options…

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  • sheffield tip information sign

    What Are The Sheffield Tips And Opening Times?

    Sheffield has five council Household Waste Recycling Centres, or as most of us call them, dumps or tips. They’re operated by Veolia on behalf of Sheffield City Council and are strategically located around the city for residents to use. Sheffield Tips And Opening Times Location Summer Hours Winter Hours Shirecliffe – – Woodhouse – (closed…

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  • general waste wheelie bin, plus four recycling bins lined up

    How Do Bin Collections In Sheffield Work?

    Sheffield City Council are responsible for providing refuse collection for Sheffield. The council have contracted out their services to Veolia, a waste management company tasked with recycling as much of the city’s rubbish as possible. Sheffield bin collection is provided to all homes in the city by Veolia, offering general household waste (black bin), paper…

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  • Why Hasn’t My Bin Been Collected?

    Bin collections are one of the most integral services for district and borough councils, and it can be incredibly frustrating if you discover that all your waste is still sat in your wheelie bin at the end of your collection day. Common Reasons For Missed Collections A missed bin collection can happen for various reasons,…

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