Author: Liam Gifford

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  • plastic recycling codes illustration with examples

    What Are The 7 Different Types Of Plastic?

    It’s very easy to see that a product is made of plastic, it’s a material that we see all around us every day. There can be no doubt at the way that plastics have helped innovate solutions for so many problems in life, but we now find ourselves looking for ways to reduce plastic use…

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  • bubble wrap packaging

    How Can I Recycle Bubble Wrap Packaging?

    Bubble wrap is undoubtedly useful for companies shipping their products in the mail or through parcel delivery networks, but very damaging for the environment as a plastic that decomposes very slowly, if at all. What’s more the number of home deliveries has rocketed in the last few years thanks to the growth of online shopping…

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  • dirty pillows on bed

    Can You Recycle Old Pillows?

    Pillows are one of those things that give us a brilliant night’s sleep or a terrible night’s sleep depending on how comfortable you find them. When you’ve found one you like, it’s tempting to keep it forever, yet as Brits we’re terrible at maintaining good hygiene standards when it comes to bedding. When they reach…

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  • CD and DVD discs scattered in a pile

    How To Recycle CDs To Avoid Landfill (DVDs Too!)

    I had a moment of clarity this week, and it wasn’t for the classic reason of alcohol. My addiction has always been music, and I’ve amassed hundreds (possibly even thousands) of CDs over the years. I’ve also got DVDs too, but to a much smaller extent. There are a few films I’ve bought, but on…

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  • polystyrene packaging on cardboard

    How Can I Recycle Polystyrene?

    Plastics are notoriously difficult to recycle compared to many other materials, but scientists and researchers are continually finding new and improved ways to send less to landfill. Humanity has become hooked on the benefits of plastics, and only now are we really seeing significant efforts to reduce plastic waste. Recycling polystyrene is possible, however putting…

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  • dogs in animal shelter

    Do Animal Shelters Take Duvets?

    As a site we talk about rubbish a lot, but mainly about waste collection and recycling. We’ve said several times that it’s even better if you can find another use for an item than recycling it, and it’s certainly preferable to it ending up in landfill. Donating Duvets To Animal Homes Donating old duvets to…

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  • key in lock

    How Does A Wheelie Bin Lock Work?

    Locks for wheelie bins are only ever bought by home owners that have fallen victim to anti social behaviour. The fact that you feel the need to search for wheelie bin locks shows just how irritating it is to have your bin tampered with, but are rubbish bin locks a good idea? Wheelie Bin Lid…

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  • metal bound books

    Can I Dispose Of Books In My Recycle Bin?

    It seems like an obvious question, books are made of paper and we all have a paper and card kerbside recycling service don’t we? Hold up there, the answer might just be a little more complicated. A surprisingly large number of books are not suitable to be placed into your paper and card recycling bin…

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  • 8 plastic bags under coloured lights

    How To Recycle Plastic Bags

    Plastic has been a hot topic for many years, especially in relation to ocean pollution. Thanks to David Attenborough’s Blue Planet documentaries, the issue is now familiar to billions of people around the globe. Recycling plastic bags is much harder for home-owners than plastic bottles, as most councils do not take them during kerbside collections.…

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  • hwrc sign pointing right

    What Are The Rotherham Tips And Opening Times?

    There are four Household Waste Recycling Centres operated by Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council, affectionately known by most of the locals as the tips or dumps. Each site has subtle differences, so check before you set off to find out what you need to dispose of is accepted. The four Rotherham tips are located at Bramley,…

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