Author: Liam Gifford

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  • garden green waste wheelie bin

    How Council Garden Waste Collections Work

    Green waste collection services vary dramatically across the UK, with some councils offering free services, the majority offering paid collections and a few authorities not offering collections at all. Garden Waste Recycling Council garden waste collections are most commonly annual subscription based services, offering weekly, fortnightly or monthly collections. While they are not included in…

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  • waste wood for recycling

    What Bin Does Wood Go In?

    Wood is a natural material, and one that we should certainly be re-using wherever possible and failing that, recycling to give it a future life with a new use. That’s all well and good, but what how should you dispose of it in the most environmentally friendly and sustainable way? Wood should go into your…

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  • bags of grass clippings

    What Bin Does Grass Go In?

    While we all love the convenience of kerbside rubbish collection, not everything is yet able to be disposed of that way. Batteries, light bulbs and flat glass (as opposed to bottles and jars) are not widely accepted in routine collections. The Rules On Lawn Clippings In General Waste Grass should be placed into your garden…

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  • old window with broken glass pane

    Can Window Panes Go In My Recycling Bin?

    Broken windows are never good, but beside the cost of replacing the window frame, glass, or both, you might also need to get rid of the sharp glass fragments left behind from damaged panes. Can flat glass window panes go into your recycle bins? Flat glass like window panes must not be placed into recycling…

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  • TerraCycle Logo

    What Is TerraCycle? How To Recycle With It

    The world is much better at recycling today than it was a generation ago. We all know that we need to separate our waste, we do our best to put the right items into the correct bins (most of the time), and we try to buy responsibly to prevent waste. We’re not yet at the…

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  • shredded paper in shredder basket

    Can Shredded Paper Be Recycled?

    There are a lot of myths and apparent contradictions about what can and cannot go into recycle bins. Paper and card should be one of the more straightforward kerbside collections, but there are still nuances. So, can shredded paper by recycled? Shredded paper can be recycled, however not all local authorities accept it in kerbside…

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  • VHS recorder, remote control and video tape

    What To Do With Old Video Tapes

    Video tapes are familiar to most people that are old enough to be parents, but are very rarely seen any more. They quickly got superseded by DVDs as a superior format, and now even the DVD is fading into the past with streaming services reigning supreme. How To Dispose Of VHS Cassettes Old video tapes…

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  • vegetable cooking oil bottles

    How To Dispose Of Cooking Oil & Fat

    Understanding how to dispose of waste in your home or business can make a huge difference in avoiding future problems. A common thing people get wrong is cooking oils and fats. So, how should you dispose of cooking oil? Used Cooking Oil Cooking oil should be disposed of with general waste. Fat solidifies as it…

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  • pile of old tyres for recycling

    Can You Take Tyres To The Tip?

    Most people take their car to their nearest tyre workshop or use a mobile fitter when their tyre tread runs down or they get a puncture. That means the company dispose of the old tyre (or tyres) on your behalf. What if you’ve got an old tyre lying around though, how do you dispose of…

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  • key in lock

    What To Do With Old Keys: Can They Be Recycled?

    Technology is slowly allowing us to replace the use of keys as a means of securing our property, but the vast majority of use still use them to access our homes, vehicles and other property. Sometimes keys are damaged, copies are required and old keys are surplus to requirements. How do you dispose of them…

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