Author: Liam Gifford

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  • fitness equipment including treadmill, cross trainer and exercise bike

    How To Dispose Of Old Exercise Equipment

    With so many people making the change to working at home in recent years, there has been a boom in the sales of exercise equipment. With space at a premium in some homes, it eventually begins to be necessary to free up the space again for other uses, and that equipment like weights, static bikes…

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  • bottle and large collection of assorted plastic lids

    Can You Recycle Plastic Bottle Tops?

    Plastic has become a bit of a hot topic due to the huge amount of waste that’s ending up in the oceans, and in turn entering the food chain as fish and other animals come across it and eat it directly, or as small parts contaminate their food. There’s a lot of confusion after years…

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  • coloured candles burning on a grey surface

    How To Recycle Candles

    Candles have grown in popularity in homes across the UK, with companies like Yankee Candle selling vast numbers of their products to consumers. As a lot of candles are purchased and used every year, that means a similar number run down leaving a small amount of wax and often an empty jar as well. You…

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  • lady using mobility scooter in park

    How To Dispose Of A Mobility Scooter

    Mobility scooters give a new lease of life to many groups of people, with the most common being the elderly and those with disabilities that restrict their ability to get around. The Best Disposal Options While you might be looking to dispose of a mobility scooter, a better option is for it to be repaired…

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  • white spirit in container

    How To Dispose Of White Spirit

    White spirit (also known as mineral spirit or paint thinner) is most commonly used by households as part of do-it-yourself projects like decorating. By far the most common application is to clean paint brushes – it’s particularly useful when you’ve been using oil based paints. Responsible Disposal Of Solvents White spirit can be disposed of…

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  • birds in the loft

    How To Get Rid Of Birds Stuck In A Loft

    Today’s post covers something that’s a complete pain to deal with, and luckily few people ever need to navigate. Unfortunately, since it’s a relatively rare problem, few people know what to do if they discover birds in the attic. So, how do you get rid of birds in the attic? Dealing With Birds In Domestic…

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  • petrol cans on shelf in garage

    How To Dispose Of Old Petrol

    The vast majority of people only ever buy petrol to put it into their car, van or motorbike. Others keep a small supply in a petrol can (also known as a jerry can) in their car boot or garage too. This is usually in case of an emergency when you run out of fuel in…

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  • empty yellow skip on white background

    How Long Can You Keep A Skip For?

    Skip hire is a great option for home improvement projects, especially those creating a lot of waste. Rubbish can create a lot of dust, making a skip preferable to making a mess of your car to transport it to the tip. Permit Time Limits Skips on roads are usually limited to around two weeks on…

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  • wallpaper paste and brush

    How To Dispose Of Wallpaper Paste

    Decorating can make the world of difference to the appearance of your home, and if you’re lucky enough to be good at hanging wallpaper, the transformation can affordably cover up cracks in walls and poor quality plaster. When you’re done though, how should you dispose of excess wallpaper paste? Can It Go In The Bin?…

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  • medicines in blister packs

    How To Dispose Of Old Medicine

    In the UK, we’re really lucky to have a comprehensive healthcare system that’s universal. While it’s paid for as part of our taxes, we never need to worry about getting the help we need if we fall ill or have an accident. There are few countries around the world that offer the same level of…

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